Easter 2016 Sermon: Restoration Hard Wear

Restoration Hard Wear (John 21:1-25). Part 4 in the sermon series “Broken & Mended (Lent 2016). Jesus restores Peter, who has been broken by his own shame and disappointment. For further study, download the Sermon Discussion Guide. 

Sex in the 20s

Reflections on this quote. At a recent dinner party, a woman and I got into a conversation about raising our kids. Our conversation moved towards preparing our kids to face issues about drinking alcohol and sex. She and her husband had practiced a technique that...

5 Steps to Reading Your Bible More in 2013

Would you like to develop a good habit of regular Bible reading in 2013? Maybe you do, and maybe you even made a new year’s resolution for just that. I’ve made such resolutions in the past. I’ve tried and frankly, I’ve usually not kept those resolutions.But I’ve also...